Unique paintings can also be created from black & white photos, too. This was originally a black & white infrared photo. It was hand painted to create the unique artwork you see. The middle of the picture – the distant mountain and trees – was not painted. Only the foreground trees that frame the distant view was painted.
The picture was taken along the trail of the hike from Hanging Rock State Park in North Carolina to a location named Moore’s Wall. The Moore’s Wall loop trail is about 4.2 miles long and at points can be considered a strenuous hike. Along the way there are many places where you can look out and get an expansive view of the Piedmont area of North Carolina. When you reach your goal you are at the highest elevation of the Sauratown Mountains in North Carolina. At that point there is also an observation tower that you can climb. Standing atop the platform of the observation tower provide a view in many directions of much of the North Carolina piedmont. Depending on how clear the day is, the view can be stunning – as far as the eye can see.
Many people pack a lunch. They make the hike then sit on the rocks of the summit around the observation tower and eat. It is a picnicker’s delight. To relax and eat your lunch while given a view that goes for miles and miles cannot be described. It is well worth the time and effort to pack a lunch then make the hike. The fresh air and exercise will do you some good.
Hanging Rock State Park is on the map and easily accessed from many areas. Once there signs will direct you to the Moore’s Wall Loop Trail.
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