An extreme sunset on the Outer Banks of North Carolina
A new unique image has been added to the gallery for viewing or for purchase. Remember,
Continue reading “Outer Banks Sunset – Artwork of Extreme Beauty”(Scroll Down)
A new unique image has been added to the gallery for viewing or for purchase. Remember,
Continue reading “Outer Banks Sunset – Artwork of Extreme Beauty”A sunrise on the Outer Banks of North Carolina is one of the most beautiful sights you’ll ever see.
A new unique image has been added to the gallery for viewing or for purchase. Remember,
Continue reading “A Beautiful Outer Banks Sunrise”Many beach paintings and photographs are available on The Fine Art Place
A new unique image has been added to the gallery for viewing or for purchase. Remember,
Continue reading “Let’s Go To the Beach”The Outer Banks of North Carolina. Unique paintings and photos on The Fine Art Place.
A new unique image has been added to the gallery for viewing or for purchase. Remember,
Continue reading “North Carolina Outer Banks Beaches – Places of Peace”Outer Banks of North Carolina. There is no better view.
A new unique image has been added to the gallery for viewing or for purchase. Remember,
Continue reading “Outer Banks View”A new unique image has been added to the gallery for viewing or for purchase. Remember,
Continue reading “Sketch – Digital Art of the Outer Banks”If you want to be like everybody else, save money. Don’t buy your art off the internet. Just go to one of the big box stores and for pocket change you can purchase the same old stale art thousands of others have.
The internet is full of art websites and many of the pictures are the same. If you are looking for a certain subject, you might as well shop around. You’ll find good quality pictures of the same thing at different places and for different prices. The pictures are basically the same so you might as well save money.
However, if you want to be different, if don’t you want art that thousands of others have, you’re in the right place. The paintings and photograph here are original art. We often create unique paintings from the photos and there is only one place to get them- here. They are unique and nobody else has created them the way we have. They are original art.,
The unique art we create is not done automatically at the touch of a button. The art is hand-created often taking hours, sometimes taking days. It is unique and cannot be found anywhere else.
Don’t be the same as everybody else. Be different! Decorate or Gift with something original – something unique!
To view or buy art, click View / Buy Art on the menu which will take you to the main gallery. Also, you can click the image or the link in the caption which will reveal info about this image. All photos and paintings on The Fine Art Place are original and unique. For info about the unique art, read the first blog article Why Original Art. For info about how to save money when purchasing art, click the menu item Ways to Purchase. And for info about the art and the artist, click the menu item About the Art and Artist. Watermarks are not on purchased art.